Ravens restless mutter in the shadows
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  June rain so fine spatters molecular

Dark Desert

June Rain So Fine Spatters Molecular

June rain so fine spatters molecular
On our muscled legs lifting us
On our misted hair crowning us
Cooling our faces damp in the dawn
In the gray light.

On the road rising the sunrise
Warms and greens the canopied avenues
We ride we rise to frame the next question
We drive our swelling knowledge drives us
Breathing hard in our soft seats
To our destination urgent we must
We cannot find the answer.
We cannot find our breath.

Nodding trees soften the blinding flare
Sheltering branches dim the orange glare
Bleaching their leaves to yellow dust
Glowing golden over the darkened path.

At the end we walk where
Lustrous flowers rise bravely burning
Stalks trembling from the pain of birth
Splitting the steaming earth
Radiating their own fierce spectra
Signing the air with delicate strokes
Modulating this moment
Immensity falls on us in this tiny transience.

Bees bumble for nectar in the humid silence
Worshipping one by one the splendid blossoms
Ravens restless mutter in the shadows
Waiting for another chance
To tell us this was the future.

Tom Vernier

Last revised 2003 JUN 21

Copyright © 2001--2007 by Tom Vernier.
All rights reserved.